
[RO] Starea pieței de securitate cibernetică în România

Articol postat inițial:   Securitatea cibernetică în România rămâne în continuare un subiect ”fierbinte”. Sintagme de tipul ”hub regional de securitate cibernetică” răsună în continuare în spațiul politic, atrăgând atenție sporită asupra unui domeniu unde poate notorietatea precedă realizările de facto. Într-un articol  scris acum ceva timp (2021), deplângeam situația de la acea vreme, subliniind, printre […]

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Why technology cannot be developed only by engineers. Harari vs. Zuckerberg on the social impact of technology.

  Last week I was surprised to discover an engaging debate between Yuval Noah Harari (YNH) and Mark Zuckerberg (MZ), on the future of technology. I highly recommend the talk. It will give layman and tech people alike hints on current issues and future projections on technology development and its impact upon society as well […]

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When does technology become a threat to humanity?

What is technology At this point, humanity has reached the highest level of dependency upon technology. This dependency has become so deeply entrenched that it has come to be totally acceptable for some to declare that life might seem meaningless without technology. According to this study, the average American nowadays spends more than 11 hours […]

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Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) put an end to the human race?!

If you are even a bit technology savvy  you’d probably run into at least 1-2 posts about AI in your feeds. There’s a plethora of articles out there exploring the multitude of advantages that AI could bring, branching into two rather extreme theories: one of them is that in the near future humanity might need […]

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The money or your data! Some considerations upon the Cambridge Analytica case and its implications.

“In God we trust. All others must bring data.” (W. Edwards Deming, Statistician) “It’s difficult to imagine the power that you’re going to have when so many different sorts of data are available.” (Tim Berners-Lee, father of the Worldwide Web)     I know … everybody talks about this subject. All available media, online and […]

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Twitter, what is wrong with you?

I am relatively new to Twitter, I joined in May 2016 and been idly active by reposting my blog articles. I have roughly 70 followers and follow more than 200 accounts.  I’ve always been interested in this platform, but had no real social incentive to put any effort into growing my network. Simply put, none […]

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Virality. What is it and how to achieve it.

Virality is one of the building blocks of today’s social networks success. The feeling you get when joining a cause by liking/sharing some type of content is what makes you further use social networks. We share content because of the feelings we have when we see it or because it is useful. But let’s try […]

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The Echo Chamber We Live In

I am not the first one to write about this, but I am completely atoned with this explanation of the results of the US elections that took place a couple of weeks ago. Actually, I was flattered to see that my sudden realization coincided with the opinions of established professionals and analysts from across the […]

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Facebook Live Map – Some empirical findings …

I don’t know how aware you are about the Facebook Live Map. but if you haven’t noticed it, it sits quietly in your left bar on the desktop version of your  Facebook Page, It is the first one in the APPS tab. And, be advised, once you dive in, your worldview might change forever. It […]

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I’m Going to Webstock 2016!

Hello, Tomorrow I will be breathing the same air and thinking about the same topics as Adrian Hadean, George Buhnici, Dana Rogoz, Vlad Petreanu, Bromania, Zoso, Cristian China Birta and many more (sorry, names appealing only to my Romanian audience). And that is because tomorrow I am participating to the new Webstock edition, the most […]

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