Articol postat inițial: Securitatea cibernetică în România rămâne în continuare un subiect ”fierbinte”. Sintagme de tipul ”hub regional de securitate cibernetică” răsună în continuare în spațiul politic, atrăgând atenție sporită asupra unui domeniu unde poate notorietatea precedă realizările de facto. Într-un articol scris acum ceva timp (2021), deplângeam situația de la acea vreme, subliniind, printre […]
Cyber security is a big thing these days. Wherever you and your business might reside on the globe, securing your systems is a must. Whether you are aware of it or not, your organization is exposed to various cyber threats that can put your data, reputation, and operations at risk. Moreover, you have a responsibility […] |
Ransomware is a form of malware designed to encrypt and/or exfiltrate files on a device, rendering them unusable or threatening to publish them. In recent years, the ransomware phenomenon gained impressive traction and has emerged as one of the most serious dangers to modern enterprises. The practice of demanding a ransom for releasing a prisoner […] |
O scurtă analiză despre cum merge securitatea cibernetică în România, și ce ar trebui făcut să meargă mai bine… Cum ajunge piața liberă sandwich între noul Centru European și ambițiile CERT-RO |
An empirical analysis on how COVID-19 influenced cybersecurity globally, accompanied by a case study for Romania. Romanian version: English Version: Dan Tofan: What does COVID-19 mean for cybersecurity? |
In 1953, Project Solarium represented a significant “consensus exercise” among US senior officials responsible with national security. Given the plenitude of US agencies involved, consensus had to be met so as a properly respond to the Soviet communist threat, in the wake of the Cold War. The project ended up with a national strategy that […] |
Cyber security, as an industry, has recorded exponential growth, especially within the last two decades. It grew along with the Internet and evolved from a simple buzzword to a real technological risk that can put you out of business rather quickly. Within the last years cyber security seized media’s attention and reached on top of […] |
You must have surely heard a thing or two about GDPR. It’s short for General Data Protection Regulation, being EU’s latest regulation as regards privacy and data protection. It has entered into force on the 25th of May 2018. There’s a whole bunch of articles out there, surely you must have opened at least […] |
Short comprehensive guide on current status and what you need to know in order to properly adopt AI in your company. What exactly is AI?! Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the most compelling buzzword in tech. Just ignoring all of the alleged disruption that AI started to have upon everything, might seem like you […] |
Last week I was surprised to discover an engaging debate between Yuval Noah Harari (YNH) and Mark Zuckerberg (MZ), on the future of technology. I highly recommend the talk. It will give layman and tech people alike hints on current issues and future projections on technology development and its impact upon society as well […] |